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Our engagements

our philosophy ...

"We create with respect for peopleand Mother Nature.

Let's shape the World of Tomorrow together. "

N ature

A uthenticity

T ransparence

U environmental rgence

R arity

A rtisanat

B ack to basics

E ssentiel

Badge des aliments biologiques 11

Pure quality

Natural &Bio

Natural cosmetics are richer in ingredients derived from plants. It contains more active ingredients with various contributions. It will have even more optimal nutritional efficiency in the short, medium and long term. Unlike conventional cosmetics composed largely of synthetic elements derived from petrochemicals which provide an immediate sensation of short-term comfort without any nutritional contribution.

100% from Nature

0% synthetic


Concentrated, effective and beneficial

Most cosmetics are unfortunately poor in virtues ... We work for natural skin care recipes highly concentrated in botanical active ingredients, without inert ingredients. Water is an ingredient very present in cosmetic formulas, we favor beneficial plant hydrosols when possible. A o c ncentré benefits for the skin or each element has been selected for its active properties. For optimum quality, natural cosmetics that are truly effective in the short, medium and long term thanks to a generous concentration of pure active ingredients.

Truly Green & Clean

No greenwashing

Companies use this marketing process where they invest more in the perspective of building a very profitable “ecological” image but few truly ethical actions and commitments in favor of people and the environment are illustrated. Many cosmetic products are more concentrated in synthetic or inert ingredients and praise the merits of certain natural flagship ingredients, present in very small quantities in the products. It is possible to indicate an ingredient from a concentration of 0.01ml. The ingredients are listed in descending order of importance. However, the regulations provide that raw materials with a concentration of less than 1  % may be mentioned out of order. In practice, this means that an active agent dosed at 0.01% can be placed before a solvent weighing 0.99% of the final product.

For us, the natural is not purely marketing, it is the very essence of our brand. He is present at every step, every decision , it is a state of mind anchored in us.

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Safe, healthy

ethics without concessions!

We do not use any synthetic ingredients, nor petrochemical derivatives (petrolatum, paraffinum ...), nor mineral oils from petrochemicals, nor endocrine disruptors so harmful to health, nor silicones (present in the bottoms of complexion, shampoos, creams ...), no synthetic preservatives, EDTA, BHT, no synthetic fragrances or texturizers, no ethoxylated compounds, no aluminum salts, no phthalates, no webbed…

The list is long...

They are unfortunately present in many products. These elements are in the best of cases inactive in beneficial virtues, or bad for the environment and in the worst cases harmful or toxic. They are harmful in the long run.

Our formulas do not present any harmful elements, nor endocrine disruptors, nor questionable ingredients, or ecologically incorrect or risky for health. Certain synthetic elements are tolerated, authorized and present in natural, organic products. We prefer to go further and exclude them from our formulas. Our choice is to opt for more restrictions with a more demanding formulation charter. Our specifications set more stringent constraints in order to create natural care more in line with our values, more ethical and healthy for health.

No testing of our ingredients or finished products has been performed on animals.

Sud Ouest nouvelle aquitaine vue panoram
Responsible & committed
Preserve French craftsmanship

We are not looking for our plant assets on the other side of the planet. Distant lands are not always in harmony with our values, our standards and our commitments. Our choice aims to preserve and promote our French plant heritage to offer a small piece of our terroir. We want to safeguard and promote French know-how to encourage local producers . Our plant active ingredients come from small crops grown as much as possible, in organic farming or from harvests of plants growing naturally in the wild.

We have chosen proximity in order to reduce our ecological impact and limit our CO2 emissions.

The laboratory, on a human scale, is artisanal, it brings together specialists in natural cosmetology working to change the future of cosmetics. A total natural commitment is not without repercussions, it requires many efforts that are difficult to achieve for large manufacturers. Every day, they solve technical constraints in order to produce more healthily, to always better preserve the virtues of plant active ingredients and to offer cosmetics as concentrated as possible. The greening of the industry promotes more ethical manufacturing processes, more respectful of the ingredients, of our planet and virtuous for our health.

Our choice is for the long term and a greener future.

Druide heritage France celte
A benevolent ancestral heritage

We are currently living a tiny part of the history of our Earth. The search for our origins takes us to our ancient Celtic roots. During Antiquity, French society was Celtic, just like part of our planet.

True ancient sages, experts mastering the secrets of the plant world , the Druids lived in symbiosis with Mother Nature during this period. They used plants with the greatest respect for their medicinal properties. Very influential in ancient Celtic society, they possessed an extraordinary knowledge of nature, medicine, astronomy and many fields. They met annually in the Carnutes forest near Chartres in Eure-et-Loir.

Over the centuries, man has gradually moved away from these traditions, beliefs, this knowledge and has lost his link with Nature ... This ancestral knowledge has buried itself in the meanders of the past. Today we more than need to rediscover Nature and ancestral Druidic knowledge.

It is more than necessary to rediscover our History, our Nature, to preserve and perpetuate the knowledge of the Ancients. The very essence of our World, our Nature, our Earth. Let us cultivate Nature with the greatest respect towards it, without enslaving it, preserve its plants, maintain its knowledge and pass on a healthy world to our future generations.


Nature is vital for human beings.

The future will be imbued with a return to basics.


Harmony,  balance,

well being

We share the values of Slow Life and well-being allow us to rejuvenate being . The ambient burnout due to a frantic pace of life, always more accelerated leading to "human limits". Stress and emotions leave traces on the body. If you don't want to burn your wings, take care of yourself to continue your journey with confidence!

For a more fulfilling life, ambient happiness and rediscovered harmony!


The essential :

Authenticity & Simplicity, Transparency

No waste , we use the right quantities, we produce in small series. We thus avoid overconsumption and productivism going against our ethical principles.


We practice the transparency of our products: through understandable formulas, you know exactly what elements they are made of.


We offer a timeless minimalist offer without superfluous, full of active ingredients, more effective. We avoid the multiplication of products dedicated to a specific need, going so far as to create needs, when a single treatment can be suitable and offer several virtues. No overconsumption , one dose is enough to feel the benefits.

Waste recovery , against waste, supports the agro-food & agricultural sectors. We reuse the discarded fruits because they do not correspond to "standards", also called "ugly fruits". We encourage the recycling of fruit stones into beneficial vegetable oils.

Solidarity with local French actors. We don't buy from the other side of the world.

No "brainwashing" , no excessive marketing, no diktat of beauty. We favor the necessary, the natural over artificial, retouched beauty icons. Nature is the very essence of Naturare, it is present in all of our approach. The skin changes over time. No false promises but commitments to deeply care for the epidermis, nourish, hydrate, soothe, regenerate, protect, exfoliate, detoxify and cleanse your skin with healthy, natural and effective products.


The materials in our containers allow us to better conserve plant active ingredients. Glass is the safest container , it guarantees the absence of controversial substance that can react with its 100% natural content. Other materials, such as plastic, would cause the contents to absorb unwanted or even controversial substances in a treatment. In addition to being the best conservation material , glass is also very ecological, it is infinitely recyclable! Whereas plastic bottles can only be recycled two to three times before losing their properties.

Offering you the best, healthy, quality products is priceless!

Nevertheless our ethics, our procedures are more expensive than the conventional.

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Tri recyclage packaging recyclé Naturare

Carton of grass

100% Recyclable - Biodegradable - Compostable

Our recycled cardboard, grass-based packaging ensures the protection of your products. Our material is the result of a green innovation free of new fibers from wood. The herbaceous material used in its raw, natural state is neither treated nor chemically bleached . It is a sustainable packaging, with more ecological characteristics and preserves the environment.

Our boxes are 100% Biodegradable and Compostable . Their manufacture is much less energy-consuming and more ecological.

While conventional pulp (from wood) comes from trees, the long-growing grass grows quickly, is available several times a year. The grass comes from green spaces that had not been exploited until then, not used for animal feed, called compensation areas. This exploitation generates additional income for agriculture , which automatically creates employment in the region.


Defined by law: compensation areas are areas without agricultural holdings, without fertilizers and which do not undergo any chemical treatment. Organic par excellence.

The herbaceous material has a low environmental impact and makes it possible to:

  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least two thirds compared to wood

  • reduce consumption and energy saving by up to 80% per tonne of virgin fiber material

  • dramatically reduce the consumption of process water , less than one liter per tonne of grass fiber pulp, compared to several hectoliters / tonne for wood fiber pulp

  • eliminate the use of chemicals . The process is completely free of process chemistries and does not require any “chemical cooking” process . Unlike the production of pulp from virgin fibers from wood

  • reduce and sanitize (chemical-free) wastewater production

  • save raw materials

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Organic Cosmetic Care, 100% Natural, Made in France, without any synthetic element, of optimal quality without compromise. We favor plant active ingredients suitable for sensitive skin in order to preserve and regenerate gently. Plant-based cosmetics bursting with plants grown in the South West of France with respect for the planet and its living beings. Let's rediscover all the wonders of Nature. Let us revive ourselves with virtuous and lasting benefits. Let's preserve our skin, our health and the planet.

Laboratoire Français des Landes

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